Three research cruises were carried out during 2008. The first took place in March aboard the R/V “Odón de Buen” and five stations were sampled in the Alborán Sea. The second cruise was carried out from 8 to 16 May on board of R/V “García del Cid” sampling fifteen stations. Finally, in September 2008 the last survey was performed with the oceanographic vessel “Francisco de Paula Navarro” and sample area comprised twelve stations.
The purpose of the cruises was to map different variables such as temperature and salinity, nutrients, chlorophyll, phytoplankton composition and primary production in coastal and oceanic waters. At the same time, several experiments were performed on board, in order to determine the limitation degree of the primary production by nitrate availability, i.e. nutrients enrichment, nitrate uptake and nitrogen fixation.

What Did Scientists Do on the NITROALBORAN Cruises?
An important activity conducted during the NITROALBORAN
An important activity conducted during the NITROALBORAN
and use in experiments. Upon reaching a station, a rosette samplermounted with a conductivity, temperature, and depth recorder (called a CTD) and Niskin sampling bottles was lowered through the water to the bottom. The CTD measures how physical (water temperature,salinity, and density); chemical (dissolved oxygen); and biological (chlorophyll a fluorescence) characteristics change with water depth and produces a profile of theseparameters in the water column.
Closure of the Niskin bottles can be triggered from the ship,
allowing seawater to be collected at selected depths.
Once the CTD is back on deck, the science crew collects the seawater
Rosette sampler with CTD and Niskin bottlessamples from the Niskin
Rosette sampler with CTD and Niskin bottlessamples from the Niskin
bottles and takes them to the ship’s laboratory where them were
processed or frozen for later analysis at land-based facilities.
During the Nitroalboran research cruises zooplankton was collected for experiments using plankton nets that are pulled, or towed, through the water.
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